Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Joseph Has Got The Pox

Day 1 when the blister-like spots started to appear.
It's confirmed. Joseph is down with chicken pox and it's already Day 7. I've never gotten chicken pox in my life so I need a doctor to confirm it for me. I took the chicken pox jab a few years ago so I hope it's still working. Elizabeth has got her chicken pox jab but only Joseph has not taken the jab. I just wanted to delay it and never expected him to get it so soon. Anyway, he's going through it very well I must say. He wasn't very fussy or whiny and still playing as usual. The spots also have started to dry up a bit.

Joseph started having fever first and I thought it was just a normal fever. Then some red spots appeared. Some looked like blisters. Initially, he started to scratch but after he was on medication he scratched less. As long as your child is taken to the doctor early, he or she should be doing fine. Joseph was given medicine for his chicken pox and for the itch. The doctor also gave calamine lotion for temporary relief due to the itch.

Chicken pox will spread easily when you scratch and the blister-like spots burst. So for me, to try to prevent that from happening, I dressed Joseph up with long sleeves and pants. I guess it helps a bit. Apart from that, I kept his nails short. Although the doctor do not believe in old wive's tale, I'll still try to abide it just to be cautious. Anyone with chicken pox have to avoid eating chicken, soya sauce, any beans like long beans, french beans, soya bean, bean sprouts to name a few, eggs and cucumber. If there are more, please feel free to inform me ok?

The doctor also warned me to be on the lookout after two weeks for any symptoms. Those who have gotten the injection before can still contract chicken pox. The only consolation is that it will be a mild one. But some may not have it at all. So I'm crossing my fingers that Elizabeth and I will not have it at all. Pleaseeeeee...

Get well soon Lil' Dahling!

The blister-like spots close up

He's still active that it's hard to get a clear shot of him.

Day 4 - Still so vain even with spots. I put calamine lotion on the spots, hence those white patches.


  1. oh dear!! good thing is he is still active :D

  2. Oh dear, hope Joseph gets well soon. And I like the pic where he was wearing sunglasses. So stylo milo...haha

  3. Thanks for dropping by my blog, Merryn. Yes, I think boys are just active. :)

    Stylo milo eh, Kasie. He knows it too coz after I snap the pic, he will come to me to look at the shot at my camera.

  4. Oh my! Hope Joseph gets well soon! He does look like his usual cheerful self, thank God for that! Take care!



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